Thursday, June 6, 2013

Canopy Tour...Zip Lines

All geared up!
Last summer, my friend and I went to the zip lines on Hwy 65 near Branson, MO.  That was my only experience with this activity but I felt like I would be able to handle the zip lines of Costa Rica.  After we all watched a live demonstration of the safety protocol and how to prevent spinning, we all rode a short zip line down to the lower level of the park.  At this point, I thought the experience might not be as intense as the one in Branson.  Boy was I wrong!  We all rode a lift up to the top of the mountain and I began to look out and see some other people zipping.  I was shocked at how high these lines were and how incredibly long they were!  On the lift, we could see some of the volcanoes of Costa Rica and the beautiful landscapes. I manged to stay calm and at least act like I wasn't worried but I was getting a lot of butterflies in my stomach by the time we reached the top.  From there, we climbed a three or four story tower and got our first view of a zip line that made the ones back home look like the childrens' rides section of the fair.  Phew!  This was a big test on my nerves! That first zip line (actually the first three) was a little rough as I kept thinking too many "what if" questions.  But eventually, I got over it and had a great time there!  There's something about trusting the equipment for me that was my biggest obstacle.

     I met a man named Justin who was in Costa Rica with his wife and they were from Canada.  He was fun to speak with and we shared a lot about our CR adventure.  Like us, they were thrilled with the country and very happy to be here.
     I'm still wondering how they ever stretched all those zip cables up there!